Freelance Jobs for Student

freelancing from college

Freelancing is good job for student and it will also help to improve your resume profile so that you can easily get a job. So I thought why not share my experience with financing and in case you guys want to get into freelancing and what should be the step by step process remember freelancing is not easy getting clients in the freelancing industry. In the tech industry is super tough ticket so you'll have to spend or days and days to find just one client but behind me liquor bar you know the next process becomes pretty simple once you figure out a good way of acquiring customers jovica processor. 

What are the essentials that you need to take care of even before you plan to freelance together? 

Step number one is to have a skill digger this skill could be anything it could be copywriting clubbed. you know website the content like now blogs like now your cui advertisement for content like now it could be one of those. If you're good in writing then you can consider copywriting as one of your skills and if you want to learn copyright think. then I would say read a lot of newspapers of literature for upper low to get the books both pearline are normal. So get out and actually you know make you quite a good copywriter also joe websites who saw content analyse key signal, key websites make quantum Kassala Kuwata and whose keys are the proven as a copywriting ideology. 

Another skill is Photoshop and Premiere Pro if you want to learn for a shocker Premiere Pro then you can obviously go to a site called udemy and I think you get courses for like three twenty-four hundred rupees’ week or so talena or download the software learn it. Work on few projects method K person projects become guru or a catch as a portfolio anilina of all the projects are your work done. another skill is web development of a very mainstream skill. though you know Kohi framework mastered early now it could be react node angular as a quick framework master cut early enough and where to learn you can obviously go to, sexy cleaner skill and once you're done with that you have a skill so right now I'm just going to talk about copyrighting Photoshop or and web development. 

Step number two is to build a portfolio okay but that is a portfolio cap. portfolio is a collection of all the projects of all your work that you've done since the Big Bang. If I walk somebody know I took up a Udemy course on web development those projects, make it all comes under my portfolio. so if I make an e-commerce site then that becomes part of my portfolio. Portfolio could be a website portfolio could be just a word document click Save. when asset though the pointers key portfolio man of course oh we work with Ignacio. 

Though I have no Photoshop because design here so whatever design service Co-opt mandala now or PDF Gergely export. Because you know if you have worked on say if you're a copywriter so Joe because blogs like who got past me fair or whatever advertorials you worked on in the past. we can insert all of them in a good document and that becomes your portfolio. Portfolio is like an album of all the works that you have done turkey or it just becomes easy for the client to decide key. if he wants to work on you, work with you or not based on your past experience. 

Step number three is to get a client now this is the hardest part whatsoever getting a client in the freelance industry is both muscular it again. Though there I'll first talk about freelancing platforms and then we'll move on to other ways of getting a client for freelancing platforms as far as content is concerned or copywriting is concerned. if you want to write blogs or something then there's a platform called paper content dot in. If you want to know contribute or blogs or your nickname then you can register as a writer and these guys would pay you. I think the average P as far as I remember was around seven point five K per month. I'm not sure about the number it depends on what type of writer you are. And of course you have other websites like freelancer of work tap, chief talent hubs stuff or these are self-content before kuznick are there like they have all types of freelancing jobs. But pepper content your hair it focuses just on copywriting. so most other specialized is happy if you're not getting a job, if you're not getting any gigs then you can try out the other platforms. 

Man now let's talk about web development. web development is very mainstream rate a lot of people do web development though getting a client over there also stuff. But remember web development pays you really well so keep that in mind to get a client for web development. Of course you can try out all the mainstream of platforms like off work freelance or ten or talent or top stove tap chief or if you have exhausted all of these panning it right or kill exotica and it's making products Baker can ignore or if you're not getting a project through this then a good way of getting clients would be LinkedIn. Right though LinkedIn has a lot of professional sports era companies aboard or high executives who are on LinkedIn and who might need web development service. 

Though you can connect with them and send them a DM direct message saying hey I am ABC person and I am still learning web development, I have made these particular websites during my learning path and you know I'll be more than happy to improve your website for at a very cheap cost. a cassowary or direct messages you know. If they really want or you to work with them then they'll hire you make sure for your first project you've been low but the no one's going to give you a thousand dollars for your first project that's highly improbable. because you are very naive you have no experience at all but obviously you can avoid sake, Okay I'll work at a lower price or fair you can build a good relation and then just hope that at the future he gives you more projects and that way you can build more connections. Remember it's all about in the initial days it's all about building connections and not about making money making money is a very later part just forget about it for now. now just focus on working with companies, working with start-ups, working with individuals. 

Once you master the skill of networking and working with people you can obviously make way more money in the future with a good network. Now if you have exhausted linked and also then what you can do is try cold emailing. now for cold emailing or what you can do is you can connect with them on LinkedIn which of EVF DTL connector till you can get their email ID to get though. you need a do Talon Honk right a cold emails saying hey my name is I'm ABC and I went through your website I saw that the design wasn't responsive you know phone peg and Nadi Granth are the fonts are pretty messed up the affair. I can add this functionality I can add a chart pot to your website. 

You can suggest solutions to problems together the ultimate aim of freelancing is to provide a solution to a problem. though keep the client in mind bus passing efficient 1000 of keep the client in mind. think what the client is thinking about right so if he's facing a problem then go out type an email and provide a solution to them together. Though once you do that or just hit them up and hope that in your place remember old emails have a very low reply rate so if you mail hundred people maybe one guy would reply. So get ready to made hundred people and get one reply. I know it's tough but that's how freelancing works that's how the economy works. To achieve something, you should become hard working. 

This is my suggestions and opinion to you. So now tell me which skill or idea you have to start as freelancer comment below.